Accurately target your continuous improvement efforts to where they will have substantial and sustainable impact on quality, costs, time to market, and other performance factors that are critical to customers and your company’s success.

Learn how to use value-stream mapping, a fundamental lean management tool that creates "blueprints" for applying other techniques such as kaizen events most effectively.

A value-stream map is a drawing – using a computer or pencil and paper – of the operations, steps, inputs, and outputs that make up a process. Value-stream mapping is significantly more powerful than tools such as process mapping or layout diagrams because they capture information flow as well as material flow and other key data. A map pulls out processes from the background clutter of an organization, so you can build an entire value stream based on lean principles.


  • Establish a direction for the company’s improvement efforts, ensuring that improvement efforts eliminate problems customers deeply care about

  • Gain a better understanding of the linkages between material and information flow

  • Create the basis for an effective lean implementation plan by designing how your factory’s door-to-door material and information flow could ideally operate

  • Give operators, engineers, and managers a common language and process for continuous improvement

  • Avoid the common mistake of cherry-picking individual lean tools, which creates isolated islands of improvement and limited benefits

  • Learn at your own pace, on your own schedule, alone or with your team

  • Plus, the workshop is based on the tested and proven methodology created for LEI’s popular Learning to See workbook , translated into 16 languages, and recipient of a Research Award from the Shingo Institute at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University

Course curriculum

[This is an overview; not a link to the course pages]

    1. 0.1 Welcome!

    2. 0.2 Copyright Acknowledgment

    3. 0.3 What is lean? (optional for beginners)

    4. 0.4 Getting Set Up for this Online Course

    1. 1.1 Why VSM?

    2. 1.2 How does VSM fit into the larger lean context? (3 minute animation)

    3. 1.3 VSM- What is it anyway?

    4. 1.4 Test your learning

    5. 1.5 Where to begin?

    6. 1.6 Scoping

    7. 1.7 How about you?

    8. 1.8 Why VSM?

    1. 2.1.0 You've got OPTIONS!

    2. 2.1.1 Why bother with a Current State Map?

    3. 2.1.2 Consider this...

    4. 2.1.3 Exploring a Current State map & related icons

    5. 2.1.4 How to read a CSM - Part 1

    6. 2.1.5 Capturing process data - Hands On Activity

    7. 2.1.6 How to read a CSM - Part 2

    8. 2.1.7 What about healthcare or services?

    9. 2.1.8 PRACTICE

    10. 2.1.9 Hands-On Activity

    11. 2.1.10 Check on your progress

    12. 2.1.11 CSM Self-Evaluation

    13. 2.1.12 Mapping Your Value-Stream (Optional 30' video)

    1. 2.2.0 Your turn!

    2. 2.2.1 Guiding Questions & Resources

    3. 2.2.2 Walk Through (download)

    4. 2.2.3 Walk Through (slides)

    5. 2.2.4 Advice for gathering details...

    6. 2.2.5 Self-Evaluation

    1. 3.0 Houston, we have a problem...

    2. 3.1 What do you see?

    3. 3.2 What are the characteristics of a lean value stream?

    4. 3.3 Services Example

    5. 3.4 Practice Example

    6. 3.5 Self-Reflection

    7. 3.6 Share your advice

    8. 3.7 What next?

    1. 4.1.0 There's a better way...

    2. 4.1.1 Intro to Future State Mapping...

    3. 4.1.2 Guiding Questions: Part 1

    4. 4.1.3 Part 1: Try it out

    5. 4.1.4 Part 1: Check in

    6. 4.2.1 Guiding Questions: Part 2

    7. 4.2.2 Part 2: Try it out

    8. 4.2.3 Part 2: Check in

    9. 4.2.4 Part 2: Reflection

    10. 4.3.1 Guiding Questions: Part 3

    11. 4.3.2 Part 3: Try it

    12. 4.4.1 Guiding Questions: Part 4

    13. 4.4.2 Part 4: Try it (with sample set)

    14. 4.4.3 Check on your progress

    15. 4.4.5 Part 4: Try it (with own workplace)

    16. 4.4.5 Services Example FSM

    17. 4.4.6 Part 4: Reflection

About this course

  • $599.00
  • 65 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Who Should Attend

  • Continuous improvement professionals, operators, engineers, managers, supervisors, technical support personnel, and change agents
  • Organizations at any level of a lean journey, particularly (though not exclusively) those just beginning
  • Any industry with multi-step processes

Suggested Reading

Learning to See, however, no prerequisite training or reading is required for this workshop. Familiarity with lean management basics is helpful.
Learning to See Workbook

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