A research study published by
Harvard Business Review* notes how leaders struggle more with executing strategy than developing it. This class provides a framework for executing strategy by engaging all levels of the organization. Especially when teams are operating remotely, it is critical to ensure alignment to shared objectives.
In this workshop, you will learn through a combination of instruction and peer-to-peer interaction. Your instructors will lead participants in a simulation of a company’s hoshin process. This simulation immerses you in a situation, like real life, where you must make decisions, debate, and come to alignment. The primary learning is experiential, supported by instruction in relevant tools and examples. Much of your learning will occur in the simulation through peer-to-peer interaction. The process requires participation from all attendees throughout the 9 weeks.
*Sull, D., Homkes, R., and Sull, C. March 2015. Why Strategy Execution Unravels and What to Do About It, Harvard Business Review. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.