Course curriculum

    1. 0.1 Welcome from Art Smalley

    2. 0.2 FAQs

    3. 0.3 Course Overview

    4. Copyright Acknowledgment

    1. 1.01 What is your current practice?

    2. 1.02 Why clarify the background?

    3. 1.03 How to do it?

    4. 1.04 Your Turn - Mission 1

    5. 1.04b What did you learn?

    6. 1.05 Draw/Write/Share

    7. 1.06 Samples & Critiques

    8. 1.07 Assess Your Work

    9. 1.08 What questions do you have?

    10. 1.09 Section Wrap-up and Resources

    1. 2.01 Defining the Problem Overview

    2. 2.02 Your Turn - Mission 2

    3. 2.03 Share Your Findings

    4. 2.04 Capture Your Learning

    5. 2.05 What's a good problem definition?

    6. 2.06 Now what?

    7. 2.07 How to Define the Problem

    8. 2.08 Let's try that again...

    9. 2.09 Problem Definition Assessment

    10. 2.10 Reflection

    11. 2.11 Section SUMMARY

    12. 2.12 Future Practice

    1. All Course Resources

    2. Final Survey

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content